Nomination Guidelines
The guiding principle for the Nebraska Hall of Faith is found in Romans 13:7 (KJV), “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.”
The Nebraska District Board has a desire to honor those within our District that have served faithfully, consistently and with distinction.
Below are the criteria that need to be met for an individual to be nominated and considered for the ‘Nebraska Hall of Faith’ by the Nebraska District Board.
The person nominating someone for the ‘Nebraska Hall of Faith’ must be a Nebraska District licensed minister;
Nominees do not have to be ministers;
Nominees may be living or have gone to their Heavenly reward;
Nominees must have served the Kingdom of God in Nebraska for a minimum of 20 years;
Nominees must have served the district or local church faithfully in some capacity, such as a Sunday School Teacher, Youth Leader, Bible Study Teacher, Soul Winner, Hospitality, Housekeeping, etc.;
The nominator must include the service area(s) and the years of service of the person that they are nominating;
The nominating form must be submitted to the Nebraska District Board by a current Nebraska District Pastor;
The nominating form must be submitted to the Nebraska District Board by December 31 of each year;
The approved method of submission will be through the Nebraska District website,, by completing the online nominating form and submitting to their pastor.
To nominate someone for membership into the Nebraska Hall of Faith click the link below.
Nominate someone to the NEBRASKA HALL OF FAITH